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News posted on:- by-RFIDtagworld XMINNOVRFID Tag Manufacturer / NewsID:2414



RFID tags can help retailers track the customer’s shopping behavior to identify why an item is not selling well. For example, if the data from RFID tags indicates that the item is taken to the fitting room but not converted to sale, the problem could be with the fit.

RFID readers fixed at transition doors track product flow between the stock and selling areas. Exception reports and patterns help managers improve customer experience by putting out the best products matching their needs.

RFID can improve the checkout time. Customers waiting in line can get extremely impatient. RFID devices can work even at a few feet from the scanner; if a bag full of purchased items comes under the scanner, it queries all the RFID devices and totals the purchases immediately. Checkout times can thus be improved over 40% using RFID. Delighted customers drive repeat business and will surely buy more from an RFID enabled customer, as opposed to a regular retailer. The ease of the process also encourages customers to increase their cart size, thereby enabling retailers to achieve top-line growth.
