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RFID can Realize the Autonomy of the Entire Library

新闻发布:- by-RFIDtagworld XMINNOVRFID Tag Manufacturer / NewsID:2448

RFID can Realize the Autonomy of the Entire Library

RFID can Realize the Autonomy of the Entire Library

RFID can Realize the Autonomy of the Entire Library

The self-service borrowing system combines radio frequency identification, computer, network, software and touch control operation technology to realize simultaneous borrowing and returning operations on multiple books with electronic labels.

The RFID tag does not require manual operation by the staff. By sensing, it can send information to the borrower. The information sent includes all the data sensed by the reading, and then automatically processes the information related to the borrowing of the book.

It has the characteristics of fast recognition speed, high efficiency, convenient installation and maintenance, and has been widely used. The system provides accurate job statistics such as the number of operations, the type of operation, and the operational statistics of success or failure. After the operation is finished, you can print the borrowed book, return the book, renew the loan, and inquire the receipt as needed.

It is as convenient for the reader to borrow a book through the loan system as if buying a drink on a vending machine. Moreover, the system can also provide 24-hour self-service, which can open different functions for different situations of each library, and can supplement all functions except online library renewal and reservation. Realize self-service borrowing, returning books, renewing, making appointments, etc.

图书馆自助贷款系统em will seamlessly integrate with the library management system currently used by the library. In the process of readers' specific borrowing, the system can set passwords according to the needs to protect the information security of the readers; the touch system can enhance the information. Input speed, which improves the efficiency of borrowing and returning books; the voice prompts accompanying the whole process of borrowing books will assist the reader to complete the whole operation step by step; and the built-in printer can provide the receipt printing after the operation is completed, which ensures better security.
