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Pharmacy Group Asembia Uses UHF RFID Handsets To Manage High Value Drugs

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Pharmacy Group Asembia Uses UHF RFID Handsets To Manage High Value Drugs

Pharmacy Group Asembia Uses UHF RFID Handsets to Manage High Value Drugs

Asembia is a healthcare services, contracting and technology company that is currently using RFID systems to manage the inventory and effective time of its high value drugs. Since the UHF RFID system was used this year, the company's sales department and pharmacy have achieved better inventory life management, which reduces product losses.

After the drug arrives at the distribution site in Asembia, it usually has a validity period of 14-15 months. Patients are generally reluctant to receive drugs with a shelf life of less than one year. This means that Asembia and its pharmacy network members can only sell these items for up to 2-3 months.

Before using the RFID system, Asembia and its pharmacy network members typically use manual record expiration dates for control. This process is very cumbersome and unscientific, and the probability of error is quite large. Asembia adopted an RFID-based inventory management solution. First, a passive UHF RFID tag was attached to each drug. Asembia attaches tags to its distribution facility, and the tag ID in the software is tied to the item information.

药房下订单后,Asembia employees began picking the drug and then using the UHF RFID handset to check the inventory before shipment. RFID software captures and manages new product distribution data for each pharmacy. This data is forwarded in real time to a custom dashboard of the system. In this way Asembia can achieve inventory visibility for each pharmacy location. In this way, the pharmacy can access the data on the RFID software. In addition, they can use the system to track inventory information in the pharmacy.

Upon receipt of the product order, the pharmacy staff uses the handheld UHF RFID handset to scan the item for sale and update the item's sales status. Every night, the staff also scans the remaining inventory for inventory and compares it with the data in the workflow management software.

If the product is recalled, the employee simply enters the item information and turns the RFID handset on the Geiger count mode, which can then quickly find the item. In addition, Asembia can track product batches and expiration dates.

At the same time, for Asembia's pharmacy network members, the RFID handset scan inventory process eliminates the labor time of pharmacy staff, and regularly reports to Asembia on a regular basis.

The biggest benefit of this solution is to ensure that patients get a safe and effective product. By integrating the inventory management system into Asembia's existing systems, supply chain logistics can be combined with product delivery to enhance the patient care experience.
