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How to use RFID tags to prevent luggage loss?

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How to use RFID tags to prevent luggage loss?

How to use RFID tags to prevent luggage loss?

How to use RFID tags to prevent luggage loss

Although many airports now have advanced baggage systems and RFID technology, baggage theft still happens, so it is necessary to lock your luggage or change the password in time. In addition, in order to avoid the complete loss of luggage after arriving at the destination, it is best to choose direct flights, as well as early to the airport for check-in procedures. "The most common reason for loss of luggage is that the passenger's luggage is checked in too late, and the possibility of missing luggage may be increased by a connecting flight. “A lot of times, luggage labeled "fragile" isn't treated as special Baggage handlers often attach labels to the luggage: luggage tickets, breakables, and "priority luggage" tags for priority passengers. Many people forget to take the tags off after a flight, which can be confusing for a bellman. "If you have a lot of baggage tags on your luggage, it will take us a long time to find the one on duty," a bellman wrote on Redid. However, one kind of label must be hung on the luggage, that is the luggage label with the name and contact information of the luggage owner, which can give the lost luggage a little hope of being recovered.
