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RFID Highway Application with Automatic Payment System

News posted on: 2018/4/18 0:55:33 - by naomi - RFIDtagworld XMINNOV RFID Tag Manufacturer

RFID Highway Application with Automatic Payment System

With the developing traffic flow on the highway, the traffic condition of the highway is becoming more and more crowded, so it is very important to explore the existing traffic potential. The Highway application of RFID is automatic payment system, the no parking charge system can reduce unnecessary parking times, it can not only speed up cars, save the time of vehicles in toll lanes of traffic, alleviate traffic jam, and also reduce vehicle fuel consumption and emissions, improve the environment of the city.

vehicle tag

ETC automatic payment system is currently the most advanced in the field of road and bridge charge method in the world. By installing the vehicle on-board electronic label on the windscreen and the microwave dedicated short-range communication between microwave antenna in tolling station of ETC lane, using the computer network technology and bank settlement process, so as to achieve the vehicle through tolling station can do not need to stop and pay fee.

The workflow of the charging system is as follows:

步骤1。The particular area of the charge system reader and the antenna are used to track microwave signals, after charging vehicles enter into the automatic charging system, the tag data information can be sent to antenna by itself, such as: the issuing bank number, the vehicle's license plate number, the vehicle parameters and the identity information etc.

Step 2. The antenna transmits the received signal to the reader, the reader receives the label information then sends to the computer processing system, vehical identification information can be analyzed by the lane tolling system, the vehicles entering the toll lane to have the legitimacy electronic label check, If the information is consistent that is legitimate vehicles, automatically be paid by the special account user through the computers, so as to realize the automatic payment.

Step 3. After successful charging, modify the corresponding information both in labels and cards, and store relevant information and records in the system's data storage for future inquiry.

automatic payment system

RFID automatic payment system is a combination of traditional transportation industry and more advanced information technology. Compared with the current manual charge and semi-automatic charge, it has obvious advantages. It can improve service quality and improve customer satisfaction. To minimize traffic bottlenecks at toll stations and avoid traffic jams and vehicle delays caused by slow tolls. At the same time, reduce the management link, reduce the management cost.


+86-13606915775(John Lee)


Add: No.943, Tonglong Er Lu, Hongtang Town, Tong'an District, Xiamen( Xminnov IOT Industrial Park)
