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RFID technology strengthens the safety management of power tools

News posted on: 2020/12/21 14:16:17 - by - RFIDtagworld XMINNOV RFID Tag Manufacturer

RFID technology strengthens the safety management of power tools

RFID technology strengthens the safety management of power tools

Since electricity is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, the safe and normal operation of the power grid is essential. The power supply department has strict regulations on the purchase, use, inspection and maintenance of power equipment and tools. Electrical equipment is the basic guarantee for the safety of various transportation inspections. Various instruments are the basic guarantee for the accuracy of equipment operating parameters and fault diagnosis. To ensure the safety of the use of electrical safety equipment, RFID technology will be used for intelligent control. RFID electronic tags bind the identity information of tools and instruments. RFID technology realizes the automation and paperless data collection, and continuously improves the completeness and effectiveness of the management of power equipment and tools. RFID technology strengthens the safety management of power tools.

Power grid companies have formulated standardized management requirements for tools and appliances, such as keeping records every time they use tools and appliances, weekly inspections of the use of tools and appliances, weekly inventory of tools and appliances, monthly inspections, quarterly inspections, annual inspections, periodic tests, etc. , Its purpose is to ensure that the tools are in good condition, safe and reliable in use. RFID technology is used in the asset management system of the power industry to replace the traditional paper test certificate. Establish standardized management procedures for insulation tools and appliances, and load specific work procedures and requirements into the database through the system, and unify the management of insulation tools and appliances of each branch according to the requirements of the specifications, which is conducive to further standardizing the safety management of insulation tools and appliances and ensuring inspection , The time and quality of the test, improve the work efficiency of employees, and enhance the effectiveness of safety management.

Tool purchase and storage: First, before the tool is stored, paste or hang the electronic label on the tool, and enter the tool's product name, model, specification, origin, brand name, packaging and other basic information, and divide the tool category, entry and classification After completion, place the tools in the corresponding position of the warehouse and make a record of the position.

Tool lending: read the RFID information of the tool to be borrowed through the RFID handheld terminal, save the lending time, borrowing department and personnel, borrowing purpose and other related information in the data collector, and upload it through batch processing or wirelessly To the system.

Tool return: Use the RFID handheld terminal to read the information in the tool tag and check it with the information retained when lent. After confirming that it is correct, place the tool in the corresponding position in the warehouse, and the return procedure is completed.

Verification of measurement tools: According to relevant national regulations, the measurement tools shall be verified by the designated professional inspection department on a regular basis. After verification, write verification information into the system.

Tool scrap: When the tool reaches the designated service life or is damaged and cannot be used anymore, it must be scrapped. After reading the RFID electronic label information of the device through the RFID handheld terminal, the device is scrapped after entering the scrap reason, the handler, the approver and other relevant information in the system. The scrapped equipment information will be kept in the scrapped tool file information for inquiry.

Tool inventory: enter the inventory status, use the RFID handset to sequentially collect the tool tags on the tool rack, enter and upload to the background, through the RFID electronic tags installed on the tools, the number of each tool can be collected, the background system Then complete the inventory of warehouse tools and generate reports based on the collected quantity data.

Back-end system management: Through the RFID electronic tags installed on the tools, the warehousing, lending, return, inventory, and transfer information of each tool can be collected, entered, and uploaded to the back-end. The back-end system then completes the management of the tool warehouse based on the collected data information. Managers make inquiries and statistics and generate reports as needed.

RFID handheld terminal is portable, flexible and easy to use, and has become an important helper for mobile inventory, which can quickly perform data collection and inventory of tool RFID electronic tags. RFID electronic tags can read and write and have large storage capacity. The identification of electric power tools is bound, and RFID identification reading and writing equipment is deployed and installed in the room according to the technical characteristics of RFID.

The core of power warehouse tools and appliances management is to optimize user experience requirements, improve the management level of power warehouse tools and appliances, and reduce management and control costs. It can monitor the status of tools in the warehouse in real time, without missing or misreading. The use of RFID electronic tags instead of manual pasting of test certificates can automatically collect data, which greatly saves labor costs and improves work efficiency.


+86-13606915775(John Lee)


Add: No.943, Tonglong Er Lu, Hongtang Town, Tong'an District, Xiamen( Xminnov IOT Industrial Park)
