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Apple released App Clips and CarKey, NFC still has a lot to do?

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Apple released App Clips and CarKey, NFC still has a lot to do?

Apple released App Clips and CarKey, NFC still has a lot to do?

Recently, Apple announced at the recent WWDC2020 that it will add the "App Clips" function to the App Store to extend the success of the App Store. This shows that Apple has high hopes for this new feature.

According to the official introduction, App Clips allows users to own and use apps in a brand-new way-quickly discover, open and experience. For example, by scanning the App Clip code, NFC tag and QR code, it can be used within a few seconds and supports Apple Pay payment and Apple account login.

Specifically, such as paying parking fees in a parking lot, ordering food in a restaurant, etc., you can directly take out your mobile phone to pay and order through the App Clip, without having to open the corresponding app to perform subsequent operations.

From a formal point of view, App Clip is like a shortcut to open an app. From the experience point of view, it is the same as we use WeChat applet, Baidu smart applet, Alipay applet, fast application and other applets every day-easy to find, no need to download, use on demand, and leave after use. .

After this conference, Li Nan, former senior vice president of Meizu, spoke highly of App Clips. In Li Nan's view, although WeChat Pay is Pearl Harbor, only NFC is the only one that may defeat QR code scanning. The evidence is Japan's suica (Japanese travel ticket watermelon card). And Apple’s App Clips this time is taking this path.

In addition, Apple officially released iOS 14 with CarKey with digital car key function at this conference. BMW will be the first car to be equipped with CarKey. The digital car key is also realized based on NFC. It can not only use the mobile phone to open the door, report the loss in the cloud, but also share the car key directly with friends and family. At this conference, Apple said it will focus on promoting this feature in the automotive field in the next year.

苹果公司宣布在其speech that the first model to support this feature will be the 2021 BMW 5 Series. According to the information officially announced by BMW, this function will also be extended to BMW 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, X5, X6, X7, X5M, X6M, Z4 and other models produced on July 1 this year. During the entire speech, Apple spent a total of 7 and a half minutes to talk about the map, CarPlay and Car Key update, which shows that Apple attaches great importance to this application.

Although there is very little information about Apple Pay at this conference, Apple obviously attaches great importance to the extension of NFC functions. In the future, NFC will have more room for trust in the Internet of Things and interaction.
