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Hubei Airport Group introduces RFID, paperless boarding and other measures to improve airport service quality

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Hubei Airport Group introduces RFID, paperless boarding and other measures to improve airport service quality

Hubei Airport Group introduces RFID, paperless boarding and other measures to improve airport service quality

Since the beginning of this year, Hubei Airport Group has thoroughly implemented the true service concept, focused on the development of shortcomings, focused on brand building, and continued to advance the special action of “Key Civil Aviation Service Quality Focuses” in accordance with the relevant deployment of the Civil Aviation Administration to make new services better and better. Initiatives: Establish a special action leading group, special action task book, special briefing, and special scheduling “four special” working mechanisms to ensure that the tackling task is implemented and bottomed out.

The first is to focus on improving the normality of flights and comprehensive upgrade of flight support. The first is to take the opportunity of the reorganization of the Operation Management Committee to further adjust and optimize the management system and operating mechanism to form a three-level structure of "decision-making, coordination, and execution". A solid security team consisting of 8 resident units and 3 internal units has been formed. Establish a new platform for integrated management; secondly, use A-CDM construction as the driving force to comprehensively open up the core operating system data of airports, air traffic control, and airline divisions, and realize efficient sharing of new technology for decision-making; Focusing on the dual upgrade of software and hardware, we optimized the new mechanism for coordinated operation of aircraft de-icing, aircraft allocation, and flight support. We completed the overhaul of the western runway, the new taxiway, and the T2 boarding bridge overhaul. We upgraded the HUD technology to achieve low RVR 150 meters visibility The fourth is to take critical flight interventions, flight delay emergency consultations, flight schedule dynamic adjustments, and flight time exchanges as effective measures. Focus on the "critical flight" has achieved significant results. The critical flight has successfully converted 3-5 flights per day. The average airport The normal rate of release is increased by 1.2-2% / month. Wuhan Airport ’s average normal rate of release in July and August this year ranked among the top 5 nationally coordinated airports, and in September it was ranked as the on-time runner-up of the large-scale airport in the Asia-Pacific region.

The second is to focus on improving the transfer function, and the transfer system is fully upgraded. The first is to further improve the construction of the air-to-air transfer system. Comprehensively upgrade the transit hardware facilities and system functions, optimize passenger service processes, and achieve fast baggage transfer; strengthen communication and coordination with customs, border inspection, and airlines, actively promote "through flight" declarations, and strive to achieve "one-time check-in" for international transfers as soon as possible , Straight luggage, one ticket to the end. " The second is to further improve the construction of the air-rail transit system. Enlist the support of the railway department, encrypt the frequency of rail transit airport lines, and extend the operating time to 23:00; lead the airport flight information service, and lay a solid foundation for the "air-rail" information interconnection and interconnection. The third is to further improve the construction of the vacant land transfer system. Establish an "air-ground linkage" emergency response mechanism, fully optimize the ground traffic flow line and parking lot function layout; launch an intelligent traffic management system, and take the lead in applying the "electronic fence" technology of car-hailing at the same level of airports; complete "beautification, greening, and lighting "Darkening" and "blackening" four major upgrading projects, the airport road traffic environment has been upgraded and upgraded, and the airport traffic has won the CAPSE Excellent Progress Award.

The third is to focus on improving the passenger experience and comprehensively upgrade technology applications. First, comprehensively promote the technological innovation of baggage systems. Applying the RFID technology of baggage system, we completed the transformation of 168 sets of baggage chute. The correct sorting rate reached 99.5%, and the damage rate of baggage was reduced by 20% -30%. The baggage extraction visualization was fully enabled, and the baggage tracking and self-service baggage service will be implemented by the end of the year Commissioning. The second is to comprehensively promote self-service technology innovation. Optimize self-service check-in services, enable self-service check-in certificate terminals, upgrade 72 self-service check-in devices, and enable passengers to apply for temporary check-in certificates "handheld, face-washing, and at any time. The third is to comprehensively promote the technological innovation of smart flight. The nation's first handheld terminal technology to solve the technical problems of security information return and realize a truly "paperless" journey; take the lead in enabling the smart baggage capture system in the customs supervision zone to comprehensively improve customs clearance efficiency; actively promote the piloting of two self-service security inspection channels and strive to start at the end of the year . Fourth, comprehensively promote technological innovation in network services. Wuhan Tianhe Airport builds the first 5G full coverage airport in Central China, becoming the first demonstration area for full coverage of 5G signals in the largest single building in China and 5G signal coverage in a variety of complex scenarios. Fifth, comprehensively promote the innovation of logistics informationization. Strengthen the overall planning of the aviation logistics park management platform, customer relationship management system, container management system, and coordinated logistics scheduling system, actively promote the use of electronic waybills, and the international express mail supervision center realizes the entire process of "electronic" operation. Wuhan Tianhe Airport's ACI passenger satisfaction score averaged 4.93 points in the first to third quarters, a new high since participating in the evaluation, and continued to maintain the world's leading level of airports at the same level.

最后是专注于促进协调发展lopment and the simultaneous promotion of branch stations. The first is to effectively improve the normal rate of regional airport flights. Xiangyang Airport launched the ZCDM collaborative release system and became the first regional airport in the province to have a CDM system. Since the system was launched, the monthly flight normalization rate has increased from 74.47% in August to 10 The month is 90.28%; the second is to comprehensively promote self-service for each branch line. At present, all the stations of the group have realized "paperless" boarding, electronic temporary boarding certificate, visualized baggage arrival and arrival, etc., and added intelligent robots at check-in and security check. The third is to continuously improve the auxiliary equipment for the convenience of the regional airport, to provide customized services for the air transportation of the disabled and the elderly, and to purchase liquid bottles in security inspection areas to help passengers comply with regulations and carry cosmetics safely; the fourth is to continue to promote the brand of regional services The construction will continue to inject new content into brands such as “Airport Bailing” at Enshi Airport, “Three Loves” at Xiangyang Airport, and “Highland Love” at Shennongjia Airport. Through service innovation, on-site interaction, cultural display, and media promotion, the brand's influence will be continuously enhanced.

In the next step, Hubei Airport Group will continue to deepen its service tackling work, effectively transform new ideas, new facilities and new technologies into new services, new products and new measures, and add new momentum and vitality to promote high-quality development in Hubei.
