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Zhejiang Tobacco uses RFID technology to carry out practical exercises of integrated digital storage project system

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Zhejiang Tobacco uses RFID technology to carry out practical exercises of integrated digital storage project system

Zhejiang Tobacco uses RFID technology to carry out practical exercises of integrated digital storage project system

In order to verify the accuracy of the entire process of the warehouse intelligent dispatching system, Zhejiang China Tobacco Industry Co., Ltd. recently organized a practical drill for an integrated digital warehouse project system.

The exercise included the intelligent dispatching function of the integrated digital storage project software system park, the LED display on the park and the ETC interface system of the barriers, the integrated performance of the software and hardware of the on-board terminal operating system, the accuracy rate of the RFID reading system of the pick-up truck, and the location information. Verification of the accuracy and stability and accuracy of the RFID equipment has been made, and the expected results have been successfully achieved.

The exercise put forward specific requirements for the integrated digital storage project. First, we must strengthen the integration of the entire process information, fully consider the comprehensive layout of material management and the full life cycle management of materials; second, we must strengthen the support for decision-making, and make full use of the large amount of data and information formed in the storage process; third, we must strengthen the actual use efficiency , And strive to improve the ability to show and show in all aspects of business.
