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Photovoltaic sensors for the Internet of Things will install RFID tags on the battery

News posted on:- by-RFIDtagworld XMINNOVRFID Tag Manufacturer / NewsID:2730

Photovoltaic sensors for the Internet of Things will install RFID tags on the battery

Photovoltaic sensors for the Internet of Things will install RFID tags on the battery

专家估计,by 2025, the number of IoT devices worldwide, including sensors that collect real-time data on infrastructure and the environment, could increase to $75 billion. However, these sensors require batteries that are frequently replaced, which can cause problems for long-term monitoring. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have designed photovoltaic-powered sensors that can transmit years of data before they need to be replaced.

To this end, they installed thin-film perovskite batteries (known for their low cost, flexibility and relative ease of manufacture) as an energy harvester on inexpensive RFID tags. The MIT Automated ID Lab and the MIT Photovoltaic Research Laboratory describe two methods used to monitor indoor and outdoor temperatures for several days using sensors in Advanced Functional Materials and IEEE Sensors. . The sensor continuously transmits data five times longer than a conventional RFID tag (no battery required). A longer data transmission range means that you can use a single reader to collect data from multiple sensors simultaneously.
