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RFID is used in the apparel industry

News posted on:- by-RFIDtagworld XMINNOVRFID Tag Manufacturer / NewsID:2630

RFID is used in the apparel industry

RFID is used in the apparel industry

An important reason for the RFID application in the apparel industry is that RFID has truly solved the painful problem that has always existed in the apparel industry.

The RFID retail industry deploys RFID solutions, which are mainly used in three links, namely logistics supply chain, store operation, and warehouse management. In the initial stage of the logistics supply chain, enterprises can apply RFID electronic tags in their clothing according to their own cost. There are two common ways in the market, one is to sew in the way of washing, and the other is in the form of clothing tag. presence. Regardless of the way in which the RFID electronic tag, which is the most basic part of the RFID solution, becomes a consumable item with the apparel FMCG, the amount of RFID electronic tags serving the apparel product is continuous and huge.

1. Help to achieve supply chain visualization

In the logistics transportation stage, the traditional logistics supply chain has always had the problems of low system efficiency and high logistics cost. Due to the inability to obtain comprehensive cargo transportation information, the information in all aspects of the supply chain is not smooth, and information islands are formed within the supply chain system. The information obtained may be delayed or not accurate enough to match the information requested by the customer. Efficient and low-cost supply chains require companies to respond quickly and efficiently to customer needs and be prepared to respond to the uncertainties in the supply chain and prepare for the rain.

Master the first-hand supply chain data information, timely and effectively follow the customer's demand changes in the supply chain, and build a supply and demand data visualization system between the customer and the supplier, all of which can be done using RFID technology. Enterprises can use RFID electronic tags and smart mobile terminals to collect product inbound and outbound data when the product is out of the warehouse and arrive at the sales store, and track the transportation status in real time in the software background to obtain transportation information, such as when the shipment is out of stock and when. Warehousing, where it has been shipped, whether it can be delivered on time, whether there is an unexplained condition, whether there are products specified by the customer or intended to be exchanged.

2. Helping to achieve precise marketing

In store operations, RFID technology can help salespeople quickly find specific products, while providing decision analysis and enhancing customer experience. If the customer wants a product, it may take 5-10 minutes for the salesperson to find the designated product in a large number of products in a conventional manner. After the RFID solution is deployed, the salesperson can use the UHF RFID handset to customize the customer. The product model, code, etc. described, automatically search for RFID tag signals connected to the product in a certain area, so as to quickly find the corresponding product.

In addition, by detecting the number and duration of items on the shelf, as well as installing smart fitting mirrors, smart “mirror mirrors”, etc., merchants can also learn about the best-selling, slow-moving and customer preferences of data, thus Product procurement decisions provide data support while also providing customers with a new consumer experience.

3. Help achieve reliable inventory management

In terms of warehouse management, RFID technology controls real-time data on goods in and out of stock and inventory counts. For example, after the clothing retailer receives the delivery notice at an inventory center, the RFID warehouse management system selects the corresponding warehouse according to the batch of goods, and automatically allocates the storage area and the storage location. After the goods arrive at the area to be inspected, the RFID reading and writing device at the channel of the library area can read the goods label at one time. After the data read and the data on the notice are verified, the goods can be stored in the allocated location of the system. At the same time, the system will also form an inbound statement according to the date, category, quantity and other information of the goods.

Similar to the outbound link, after receiving the shipping notice, the warehouse manager can quickly find the corresponding goods using the handheld reading and writing device. When the goods are transported to the exit passage, the RFID fixed reading and writing device at the entrance will automatically identify the goods label information and check with the outbound order, and generate a library list.

As for the inventory count, the staff can use the handheld to walk through the positions to scan all the cargo label information in bulk to complete the inventory statistics.
